Rail transportation, loading and unloading operations, multimodal terminal services between the regional centers of Rivne and Lutsk
Rail transportation, loading and unloading operations, multimodal terminal services between the regional centers of Rivne and Lutsk
Your reliable
Unique location of a modern multimodal terminal: even distance from the ports of the Black and Baltic Seas; proximity to the countries of the European Union, Belarus. Possibility of accumulation, processing and storage of goods following in the import, export and transit mode through Ukraine. Door-to-door delivery of cargo, Last mile service.
Our company is an operator in the field of railway transport, has at its disposal cars of various types, including fitting platforms, as well as a fleet of container trucks. The company has its own multimodal terminal, which is located between the regional centers of Rivne and Lutsk. The area of the terminal is 12 hectares, covered warehouses - 5000 m2, open storage areas, weighing facilities, equipment for stacking containers, reloading mechanisms, own shunting locomotives and locomotive depot. Network connection allows the operation of equipment with a total capacity of up to 1.5 MW. The terminal has a customs zone and an open customs warehouse with an area of 3000 m2.
Our services
Our company is an operator in the field of railway transport, has at its disposal cars of various types, including fitting platforms, as well as a fleet of container trucks. The company has its own multimodal terminal, which is located between the regional centers of Rivne and Lutsk. The area of the terminal is 12 hectares, covered warehouses - 5000 m2, open storage areas, weighing facilities, equipment for stacking containers, reloading mechanisms, own shunting locomotives and locomotive depot. Network connection allows the operation of equipment with a total capacity of up to 1.5 MW. The terminal has a customs zone and an open customs warehouse with an area of 3000 m2.
  • transportation of goods by wagons of various types and in containers, including domestic, export, import and transit directions
  • supply and collection of wagons
  • shunting work with locomotives
  • storage of client's wagons on the tracks of the terminal
Loading and
unloading works
  • loading and unloading of wagons of various types (in particular, grain wagons), containers and road transport
  • unloading of inert cargo on elevated tracks, stuffing / unstuffing of containers
  • forklift services
Road transportation
  • container transportation (First mile, Last mile)
  • other road transport (inert materials, packaged goods)
Warehousing services
  • storage of products in closed / open warehouses
  • storage and accumulation of empty and laden containers
  • weighing wagons and cars at the request of the client
Customs services
  • brokerage service
  • customs warehouse services
  • change of mode of transport
Consulting in the field of multimodal transportation
The company provides its clients with the opportunity to quickly obtain the necessary information on a wide range of issues related to the preparation and execution of each specific multimodal transportation, from the application and receiving initial advice and information support to all settlements for agreed and carried out transportation.
2 km of own access tracks with a ramp and a raised track
5 hectares of warehouse space
The gantry crane with a loading capacity of 50 t
Our competitive advantage
Joint Ukrainian-Greek Enterprise «Imtrex» offers cooperation in the field of freight transportation. We provide cargo delivery services to / from the European Union, ports of the Black and Baltic Seas, in Ukraine. It is also possible to deliver goods by container trains to the ports of the Black Sea.
2000 TEU capacity of the main container yard
Customs warehouse 3000 m2
Own fleet of railway cars and container trucks
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    Legal address
    +380 68 030 65 73

    Truda street, 8, Chornomorsk,
    Odessa region, 68000
    Container terminal
    +380 68 030 65 73

    Rabochaya st., 2, Klevan town,
    Rivne district, Rivne region,